Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Toast to a Personal Hero

Tomorrow night, Roger Ebert’s ninth annual Overlooked Film Festival will begin in Urbana, Illinois, and Roger, in an article on his website, has made it abundantly clear that he WILL be attending, no matter what illness or friendly advice may be trying to keep him away.

In said article, he also spells out more clearly how is ailment has been affecting him in recent months: the salivary gland cancer he had spread to his lower jaw, and part of the mandible had to be removed as a result. Two operations to repair the damage have been unsuccessful, and a tracheostomy has left him temporarily unable to speak.

But none of this will prevent him from being at his festival. “I was told photos of me in this condition would attract the gossip papers. So what? I have been very sick, am getting better and this is how it looks. I still have my brain and my typing fingers.”

I have often mentioned how Roger is a hero of mine. (Anyone who has ever read Roger’s writing and mine knows that I basically have been stealing his schtick my whole adult life.) And as much as I have missed his work over the past 10 months, I have also marveled at the class and dignity with which he has handled his illness. He writes when he can, he gives updates on his condition when he can, he has never indulged in self-pity (though self-deprecation is frequent), and above all, he has been amazingly gracious and grateful to all those who have offered either care or warm wishes.

And now, even though he is still mired in the thick of his fight, he will be in Urbana. He will be attending his festival. And he will be doing what he loves, which is watching movies and sharing the joy they bring with others.

Damn straight, he still has his brain and his typing fingers. Hopefully, soon he will reacquire his ability to verbalize his thoughts, as well. But no matter what, he will still be defiantly, undeniably, himself. And we are all lucky to still have him.

Enjoy your festival, Roger!


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