Monday, February 13, 2006

Hall of Fame Inductees...

The Company That Shall Not Be Named (I like the gimmick so I'm sticking with it) is lining up its ducks for their annual Hall of Fame inductions. Personally, given the role that politicing and business sense plays in whatever decisions get made in this particular HOF, I tend to give their choices no weight whatsoever (example: Tito Santana was a HOFer before Hulk Hogan was - not a disparagement to Santana, mind you, merely a note that Hogan simply wasn't inducted until we could sign him to do it). But the three names they've already announced for this year are pretty interesting:

-Eddie Guerrero, because I guess inducting him into a fake HOF is some kind of payback for besmirching his memory in storylines

-Dusty Rhodes, who has the benefit of now working for TCTSNBN as a booker, ergo he's perfectly positioned for it this time around

-And...Bret Hart. Yes, THAT Bret Hart.

Now, before we criticize Bret as a hypocrite for saying he'd never work for TCTSNBN and then agreeing to this, there is an addendum, according to the fine reporters over at apparently, Bret's doing this completely for free. He is accepting no money for appearing at the HOF ceremony, he just wants to be a part of honoring his career. I can dig that idea, and am perfectly fine with Bret's decision.

Now, as far as who else: guys, you have Ted DiBiase and Ricky Steamboat RIGHT THERE, ON YOUR PAYROLL, and I ain't seeing any plaques for them yet...


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