Thursday, February 09, 2006

Kudos and congratulations

Bravo to Mr. J. Michael Bestul for his excellent response to a completely ludicrous argument printed in The BG News. The article literally begged folks not to see "The Vagina Monologues" because it's offensive and it's actually bad for women and an additional number of completely unsubstantiated arguments the author makes in opposition to the show. Heck, he even begs the CAST to not participate.

In response, I think an event should be organized where the cast shows up at the BG News's office and stages a reading of the show right then and there. See if Johnson can make such offhanded judgments about the effect this show has on society while those who believe in it are actually in his presence.

Or who knows, maybe he'll actually enjoy it. My guess is it'll actually be his first time seeing it, anyway.


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