Wednesday, January 25, 2006

There Is No God and other stuff you should check out

Yeah, I've been absent about a week, but it's been an eventful week, chock full of stuff that I really can't talk to you about yet. Long stories. Maybe next week. But for now, here are a few things online that I've been biding my time with:

Here is a wicked cool spoken essay by Penn Jillette (of Penn and Teller) for NPR entitled "There Is No God," which elaborates on Penn's atheism and provides an awesome response to those (like, sadly, my mother) who claim that people who don't believe in God cannot live a moral life. Far from it, in my own opinion.

By the way, for the initiated, P&T's news site confirms that season 4 of B.S. is on the way! April 3rd! Dance the dance of joy!

The cool website, where I get 90% of my entertainment info nowadays it seems, has now launched a blog of its creators' thoughts and musings. Some cool stuff, though claiming that "All Dogs Go to Heaven"'s video success was somehow a precursor to "Family Guy"'s resurrection is more than stretching it a little. And the design scheme reminds me of something...

If you haven't yet, be sure to check out my pal Abby's awesome coverage of Miss America 2006 on her blog Being Miss Maumee Valley. (Is it just me or does the new Miss look a lot like Abby? Sigh...)

"Family Guy" has once again been named Worst TV Show of the Week by the PTC. Can we possibly take seriously the opinion of a group which can't even be bothered to note that the name of the show is not "THE Family Guy"?

Heather sent a link to this article from MSNBC, a transcript apparently of a Dateline NBC episode about a truly bizarre murder linked to a low budget horror flick. It's not the weirdest case I've ever heard of, but it's close.

And for all those who are wrestling fans or who know of my devotion to all things Mick Foley, I happily note that the Micker now has a weekly blog on, entitled, appropriately, "Foley is Blog." This week's installment is about Mick's friendship with current "Dancing with the Stars" darling Stacy Keibler, and geez, the more I read from Mick the more I identify with my hero. Don't worry, Mick - this "safety valve" has had moments where my "faithful companion" betrayed me, too. Doesn't mean you're not a hell of a guy. Just means you're human.


At 10:55 AM, Blogger ruehllin said...

April 3...what a good day...

At 8:44 PM, Blogger GreatOne said...

Hi! I love your site. I am starting a blog as an experiment in Sports Entertainment. I was wondering of you could take a minute and check out my blog and tell me what you think and how I can improve it? Thanks! It is wrestling oriented.


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