Monday, January 09, 2006

Another questionaire from MySpace

01. Do you have a friend whose last name is Smith? Yeppers, Adam Smith. The former Plastic Shatners member, not the author of An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

02. Are your top 8 for Myspace in the order you like the people? Nope. I haven’t even touched that list yet. I think the idea of “ranking” your friends is utterly degrading and I refuse to participate in it.

03. What picture is on the calendar closest to you? Brett Farve throwing a pass. My brother has tons of Packer calendars.

04. Is your Math teacher Hispanic? I am no longer in school, but no, they weren‘t. Is this question some kind of sideways dig at Stand and Deliver?

05. What color is the background of your AIM profile? White. I’m a plain guy.

06. If you had to paint 3 friends any 3 colors, what friends and colors would they be? Say what? Uh, I abstain on the grounds of this question is really too strange to answer…

07. Go on the Internet and on the history from 2 days ago. What is the 4th website? Actually, I just deleted my history a few hours ago. But the fourth site down on today’s history is…yahoo.

08. When was the last time that you picked a flower? Been a long, long time on that one. But I have picked out flowers for the past few years on Valentine’s Day for my now-defunct tradition.

09. Would you ever consider pretending to be blind so people would help you? No. And whoever wrote this list must have seen the Boondocks last night.

10. Have you ever sung the llama song from Okay, new rule: people writing these lists cannot get more obscure in their references than Dennis Miller on a bender, okay?

11. Who is your prettiest neighbor? I don’t really have any I know, living in the country and all.

12. How many planets would you like to visit? I’m still working on getting a grip on this one, thank you.

13. What do you like on your hamburgers? Ketchup and mustard, maybe cheese and bacon if I’m feeling particularly naughty.

14. What is one animal you think the world would be a better place without? Well, seeing as how the food chain works as it is and taking an animal out of that might destroy the fabric of the organization which keeps everything alive, I’d have to say none of them, thank you.

15. Does the number 47 have any significant value to you? Not that I can think of…

16. What street does your best friend live on? Whiteacre.

17. About how many pairs of scissors are in your house? Maybe three at any given time. More if you count the ones that are lost.

18. Do you prefer apple juice or orange juice? Apple juice.

19. What was the last state you visited? Illinois.

20. What does your Dad do? He’s an electrician at Brush Wellman in Elmore.

21. What was the last thing that scared you? Checking my bank account to make sure it hadn’t overdrawn. I’m paranoid about that.

22. Does your brother like techno music? Nope.

23. What is the first French word that comes to your mind? Merci.

24. When was the last time you watched The Simpsons? A brief time on Friday - Matt picked up season 7 on DVD. I haven’t really watched an episode on TV in a while.

25. What is one thing you believe in that many other people dont? The quality of the Matrix sequels.

26.What was the last kind of fish you ate? Long John Silver’s. YOU tell me what kind of fish they serve there and we’ll both know.

27. Would you ever consider becoming vegan? I have internal moral debates, to be sure, but on the whole, methinks the carnivore in me is here to stay.

28. Do happy blobs entertain you? What the hell? Can someone please explain this one to me?

29. How many of your friends act blond? Depends upon the definition. If you mean a derogatory remark designed to reinforce the stereotype tht all blondes have dumb moments, I think we all can be pretty dumb at times, myself certainly included. If you mean how many “act blond” through use of hair color…maybe three.

30. Why do you or dont you like Mrs. PacMan? She’s Pac-Man with a bow in her hair, what’s not to like?


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