Sunday, January 16, 2005

"Roger the Jets' touchdown."

So, at the theatre now we have these new plasma screen TVs. A few over the box office counters, showing trailers for upcoming movies, a few in the bar, and one in a TV lounge in the lobby. Well, the one in the lounge typically is tuned to "safe bet" channels less likely to be running anything offensive - Home and Garden, CNN, or more usually, ESPN. (On some odd days they'll have it tuned to CBS or ABC, running an entire afternoon's worth of soap operas in the process.)

Well, tonight the TV was tuned to the NFL Playoffs, and one of the most bizarrely funny moments I can recall happened. As the Jets/Steelers game was on, a crowd of people naturally gravitated to the TV lounge, turning our lobby into an impromptu sports bar. So, as all these folks are watching the game and so forth, naturally, those of us employees who are kind of wandering around, not tied to any specific location, find reasons to wander by the lounge and check on the score.

So, as I'm doing my wandering in that general area, one of the cops who's working security for us (as they often do on the weekends) is standing by the lounge, watching the game. And as I'm watching, the Jets return a punt for a touchdown. Then, this officer pulls out his radio and says, in a cop's usual uninflected and strictly-business tone, "Jets just scored a touchdown, repeat, Jets just scored a touchdown."

One of his fellow officers, again speaking as though he had no enthusiasm whatsoever for the occurence, responds, "Roger the Jets' touchdown."

And then, over the radio, a third voice, AGAIN in cop-flat-talk, says, "J. E. T. S. Jets. Jets. Jets."

I mean, I was giggling so hard, I had to walk away. Here were three guys who were very clearly interested in the game - interested enough to update each other on its events - and yet, whether it be through professional decorum or radio protocol, responded vocally to the events with all the raw emotion of Al Gore on sedatives. It was just too funny.

Well, maybe you just had to be there. Then again, I was pretty exhausted after two nights of running up and down stairs and trying to address hundreds of people on a regular basis. Maybe I was just punch-drunk and it wasn't funny at all. I dunno. What do you think?


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