Sunday, January 02, 2005

Happy new year and other stuff...

-First off, a very happy new year to everybody and hope that 2K5 treats you wonderfully well. Personally, I look back on 2K4 and for the first time in a while, I find few true complaints. I think the year went well, for the most part. Yes, I'm still here, living with my folks, no, I didn't get the new job I wanted, yes, I'm still single and see no chance of that changing soon. But I didn't do anything that I really, solidly regret, I worked hard to address my emotional difficulties and have come out at the end of this year feeling a lot better about me than I did when I started. Truly, when 2004 began, I had reached a point where I didn't really care about anything, including, to a point, whether I continued living. I'm not saying I was suicidal, it was just...I didn't care. So many things in my life had reached a point where I felt they were so completely out of my control that it didn't make sense to invest myself in the process, emotionally. But that has changed. As the year progressed, as I resolved issues with myself and others, as I tried to figure out what I wanted, I've got a better handle on who I am than I have for a long, long time. I hope that 2005 is a year where I really start to work at making things happen, at taking control, at being the best me I can. Wish me luck.

-Insurance problems are killing me. Mom tells me that the cost of my heath insurance is increasing by nearly 2 and a half times, so that I'm paying nearly 800 bucks for 6 months of coverage. In one lump sum, mind you. Hoping to get this straightened out, because I quite simply don't have that kind of money.

-Haven't contributed to disaster relief efforts yet, sad to say, since this week's paycheck was a little lower than expected. But next week will be huge, with nearly 45 hours of work from this week, so I'll definitely be giving then.

-How much did I like "Beyond the Sea?" I even went out and picked up the soundtrack, which is all Spacey singing Darin's songs. Cool stuff.

-The official date of the BGSU Royal Rumble: February 4th, 2005. More details as they become available. Plenty of slots still open!


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