Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Don't Panic?

Okay, this update's pretty much just for Heather, as she's the biggest H2G2 fan I know, but after posting the bit about the Hitchhiker's trailer, I decided to do a little snooping on imdb to find some info about the flick, as I had yet to actually do. While Adams is still listed as author of the "first screenplay," three other writers are credited with working on it. In addition, here's your cast:

Arthur Dent: Martin Freeman (Relative unknown, far as I can tell. Last seen in "Shaun of the Dead.")
Ford Prefect: Mos Def (Yes, THAT Mos Def. Um, okay...)
Zaphod Beeblebrox: Sam Rockwell (Pretty good choice, and I like Sam, so...)
Trillian: Zooey Deschanel (Not a big name by any means, seen in "Elf" and "Almost Famous" as the sister)
Slartibartfast: Bill Nighy (Long list of credits, but I'm not really familiar with him. Was in "Underworld" and "Love, Actually")
Marvin the Android: Warwick Davis (Yes, Willow is playing Marvin. Uh...)

Well, that's certainly group. I'll let the bigger Adams fans talk this one over, this what you guys had in mind?

(Oh, and Heather? It gives me great pleasure to let you know that Humma Kavula is being John Malkovich. (Everyone else? That sound you just heard was a scream from the general area of Sylvania, Ohio. :) ))


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