Sunday, August 28, 2005

Stuff I'm Digging...

In lieu of answering Lindsey's "Song's I'm Enjoying" challenge (no CD player in my car means I'm not enjoying many songs, really) here, in random order, are a few things in pop culture I'm digging right now:

-"Live From New York: An Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live" by Tom Shales and James Andrew Miller. Reading it again. Third time, maybe.

-Bill Maher. His new comedy special, "I'm Swiss," kicks major @$$.

-Batista's theme music. I'm humming it all the damn time. It almost brought a tear to my eye to get back on the site after all those weeks away due to the computer probs. The new DVD was just a bandage on the wound.

-Celebrity Poker Showdown. A given, sure, but I'm coming back to it after a delay. And back on track to wanting to organize a BG poker night.

-Penn & Teller's show on Showtime. Name withheld because I like to keep this blog PG-13-ish. But you know what I mean. Blame Heather for this one, getting me season one for the birthday.

-Batman Beyond. I missed the entire run of the series thanks to not getting WB at the time, but I caught "Return of the Joker" on HBO and it's inspired me to grab everything I can get my hands on. Just a frigging great show, and not just because the new guy and I share the same last name. Really.

More to come, maybe, but sleep calls...


At 3:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, but which version of "Return of the Joker"? One of them is good. One of them is much, much better. Easy way to tell: In the version you saw, how did the past-Joker die after the Robin fiasco?

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Jeff Mac said...

I've seen both versions, actually, as I bought the uncut version when I was on my buying spree. I agree that the uncut version is better, with a more clear emotional arc to Tim's character, though really the two versions are otherwise more or less identical.



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