Friday, August 26, 2005

Methinks Chris is messing with us...

On Thursday afternoon, on Chris Jericho's Official Web Page, the usual opening graphic was replaced by a shot of him standing in front of a TNA logo.

Let the rampant speculation begin.

Then, someone found on Chris's website a press release (not linked to from the main page) wherein he announced that he was indeed leaving wrestling for a while, but when he came back, it'd be for WWE, which he is intensely loyal to.

Let the rampant speculation continue.

Now, said press release has been removed, as has the TNA bit.

End result, I'd guess? He's playing with our heads a bit. This is not unprecidented (Chris once posted a long "f*ck the internet" rant on his site, only to return and say he was just messing with us), and considering how Chris was "fired" on Monday, the TNA logo might just be his webmaster playing along with the angle.

The moral, I guess, is the same as it is with all wrestling stories - assume it's nothing until it turns out to be something.

Not a bad strategy for life, either...


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