Monday, September 12, 2005

Just a thought...

Before the Eagles/Falcons game, there was a brawl on the field which resulted in Jeremiah Trotter and Kevin Mathis (I only know the names because Matt was standing next to me when I typed them) and being ejected. All this was carried live on ESPN's countdown show.

What was funny was Stewart Scott, running the countdown show and reacting to the brawl (and subsequent follow-up brawls) shouted, "You cannot miss this game! Tune in to ABC!" Or something close to that.

All I could think was...that is EXACTLY like EVERY wrestling pre-PPV show I have ever seen. Big brawl to establish the conflict, heightened sense of tension and anticipation, and an over-the-top announcer yelling that we couldn't even THINK about missing what was to come. "Oh my God! They're at it again! What will it be like this Sunday on pay-per-view? Good night everybody, see you Sunday!"

I'm not saying the fight was staged or anything. But when things like this happen, it just makes me wonder how the hell the NFL can hold themselves so high-and-mighty above wrestling in America's view. At least with wrestling the brawls are more convincing. And I guarantee you I'll see more action watching the TNA replay tomorrow during the 3-way main event ALONE than in all of tonight's game combined.

But enough of my football bias for one day.


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