Thursday, October 19, 2006

Oh, TAG.


Each player of this game starts with "6 wierd habits/things about you." People who get tagged then write their own blog of their own "6 wierd habits/traits," as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, choose six people to be "tagged" and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a message or comment saying they've been tagged and tell them to read your blog.

1. My DVD collection is probably not as extensive as you might think it is...I don't have an exact count, but I barely have one bookshelf filled with movies and box sets. Over the course of my life, I've owned way more, but sometimes I sold DVDs back for the cash. (I have since vowed that I would never do this again, since I was actually costing myself money in the long run by selling and re-buying them).

2. When I was in high school, I got my name published in a book entitled "Film Flubs: The Sequel" by sending in a few continuity errors from the movies "Reversal of Fortune" and "Terminator 2."

3. Everyone knows about my board game obsession, but fewer know of my REAL passion…VCR/DVD board games. I’m a TOTAL freak for those, even though I’m more or less the only one who plays them. Whenever I see one, if it’s in my price range, it is mine. Most recent purchase: the 24 DVD Board Game. Anyone still in BG up for a theme night?

4. My favorite e-mail exchange ever occurred in 1997. I noticed that, on the cover of Roger Ebert’s “Questions for the Movie Answer Man” book, he had his hand cupped on his chin (in a “Thinker” pose) in such a way that it looked a lot like his classic thumbs up sign. I wrote his e-mail address to ask if this was intentional. He responded, “Someone FINALLY noticed the thumb! Congratulations!” I wrote back, jokingly, “Great! What do I win?” His response? “This: Thumbs Up! - Ebert” So, I can honestly say I have gotten a thumbs up from the man himself.

5. I have a new song written that I haven’t posted yet, because I wasn’t sure if it was too offensive or not to be shared with all my peeps. After asking for advice from several folks, I have decided to go ahead and post it tonight at midnight. Shh. ;)

6. If you take me to ANY fast food joint nowadays, I will be ordering an item from the menu with grilled chicken. Big part of my diet. There’s only one exception: KFC. Their Honey BBQ Stackers will be the death of me.

And *I* tag…Amanda, Beth, Jess, John, Kirsten and Maria. Yee haw. :)


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