Thursday, November 24, 2005

Turkey Update

At the McGinnis Household, I've come to think of the Thanksgiving turkey in the same way that others may view, say, Groundhog Day. (Not the movie, mind you, but the actual event.)

You see, whereas other families have turkey cooks who lovingly supervise every moment of the holy bird's ascent to the highest order of food service, my own family has their own...well...unique method of cooking. This can best be summed up in a few words: thaw, stuff, bag, cook for 3.5 hours. No thermometer or anything, not even the barest of attention paid to the pop-up one. The end result is the crap shoot of poultry: will the bird be moist, juicy, tasty and just right, or the Sahara desert?

Well, let's just say that this year, we've got six more weeks of winter coming.

Not even all the gravy in the world coulda saved that one. Sad, really.


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