Saturday, October 29, 2005


A long night at the theatre summed up in a few sentences.

-Went in costume as House. No one recognized who I was for an hour or so. Finally, I meet a manager who says, "Hey, who you supposed to be?" I ask if he's seen House on Fox. He responds, "Oh, yeah, I love that show!...So, who are you supposed to be?" I detect no sarcasm.

-Decide to change out of costume for rest of shift. Wise move. Saw II kills us dead. Busiest weekend in weeks. Legend of Zorro doesn't do a quarter of the house size Saw does every show. Lines in the lobby all night. And everyone who comes into the Director's Hall, of course, we have to seat. I thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster that Armond was called in to help out. I woulda killed myself trying to handle it alone.

-Cut to other responsibilities: Picking up magazine lounge, giving customer service their break (screwing up an order royally in the process), helping take a survey of the customers (asking their zip code, for some reason), and passing out a TON of posters.

-Tired. Jeff need sleep. Sleep is good. Sleep works.


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