Sunday, October 23, 2005

Oh, one more thing...

Congrats to Family Guy AND American Dad for being given the highest honor of all: being named the worst shows on TV by the Parent's Television Council! Way to go, guys, I knew you could do it!

L. Brent Bozell, beyond being one of the world's biggest douches, also proves himself a most dense individual by saying in the article that both FG and AD are touted as being "family friendly."

Um, yeah. Maybe it's the word "family" in the title that gives him that idea.

Someone lock Bozo in a room with some uber-violent Anime for 48 hours and teach him that not all cartoons are for kids. Dickweed.

By the way, for those without the stomach to actually read said article, the shows rated HIGHEST by the PTC? "Extreme Makeover" and "Three Wishes." To paraphrase Roger, people like this don't care if there's anything GOOD in a show, just so long as there's nothing BAD in it.

Tell me again how Wallace and Gromit was too violent, miss?


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