Friday, October 14, 2005

Oh, Mad, you incredible rebels you...

According to Planet Family Guy, the show gets satirized on the cover of this month's issue of Mad Magazine, drawing each of the characters as a member of the Simpsons cast and proclaiming Family Guy "the most original show on television." Yeah, you know, the Simpsons were SO the first show EVER to depict a family having a mom, dad, and three kids.

And there ARE a few differences between Simpsons and Family Guy...

-The FG kids are in their teens, Simpsons are 9 and 7, I believe.
-Stewie talks, Maggie doesn't.
-Simpsons characters are yellow,FG have relatively realistic skin tones.
-Family Guy is still funny and relevant and not 10 years past its prime and 5 years past running out of every original idea it ever had.

Sorry, was that bitter?


At 3:33 PM, Blogger -J. said...

MAD is years behind the curve. Writers were drawing comparisons between FG and Simpsons before the show ever aired.

Ironically, if MAD had the capacity for an original idea, it might have also photo-montaged other heavy FG influences, such as 'All in the Family.'

But I'm guessing that required too much creativity and work.


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