Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I Don't Hate These As Much as Lindsey Does

1. initials: JAM
2. name someone with the same birthday as you: Alfred Hitchcock. SCORE!
3. where was your first kiss?: Friend’s apartment, game of Truth or Dare. First one that matters has yet to happen.
4. for or against same sex marriages?: For them, as anyone with any common sense is, IMO.
5. are you homophobic?: No
6. are you bisexual?: Nope. Straight but not narrow.
7. do you believe in God?: Nope. Recovering Lutheran.
8. how many US states have you been to?: Maybe half of ‘em, many just driving through on the way to DC or Las Vegas.
9. how many of the US states have you lived in?: Only one, sigh.
10. have you ever lived outside the US?: Nope.
11. name something you like physically about yourself: My eyes are about it.
12. name something non physical you like about yourself: My loyalty to a fault.
13. where did you go to college?: BGSU
14. what is your dream car?: Red ‘57 Chevy.
15. if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?: Vegas is pretty much my favorite town on the map.
16. have you ever had someone of the opposite sex over at your house while your parents were gone?: Nope. Sigh…
17. how many concerts have you gone to?: Only two, both “Weird Al” Yankovic.
18. do you download music?: Used to, don’t anymore.
19. how many illegal things have you done?: 3 by my count.
20. where would you want to go on a first date?: Dinner and a movie.
21. describe your perfect date: Lovely meal at a nice place, seeing a great movie which inspires much post-film conversation back at her place. I‘ll leave the ending open. :)
23. ever been kissed under fireworks?: Nope.
24. do you like president bush?: Do you like having your toenails pulled out by a pair of rusty pliers? (Translated for the irony impaired: Nope.)
25. have you ever bungee jumped?: No, and no thank you.
26. have you ever white- water rafted?: Does Thunder Canyon at Cedar Point count?
27. have you ever crashed a car?: Yep, a couple of times. Not fun.
28. has anyone more than 10 years older than you hit on you?: Nope.
29. have you met a real redneck?: A few times, but I was able to avoid being in their presence too long so that intellectual osmosis wouldn’t set in.
30. are you interested in anyone right now?: Yes. Let the rampant speculation begin.
31. what song are you listening to right now?: Actually I’m watching an AJ Styles/D’Lo Brown ladder match on my computer’s DVD-ROM drive.
32. what is your current favorite song?: One of my own: I‘ve been singing “Pair ‘o Mice at the Klitschko Fight“ a lot.
33. what was the last movie you watched?: “A History of Violence.” Review below.
34. who was the last person you said you loved?: And meant it? Really meant it? Heather.
35. where was the last place you went besides your house?: My place of work.
36. have you ever seriously vandalized someone elses property?: Nope.37. have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex?: Never.
38. have you ever sang in front of a large number of people?: Several times. Favorites are performing “Poisoning Pigeons in the Park” at Theta Monologue Night and my “Music of the Night“ parody before “Phantom“ screenings at work.
39. whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Eyes and smile.
40. what really turns you on?: Kindness, intelligence, warmth and a great rack.
41. what do you usually order from starbucks?: Starbucks? What is this evil of which you speak
42. what is your biggest mistake?: Not finishing the Thesis that summer.
43. have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?: Pinching to try and stay awake.
44. say something totally random about you: I am currently wearing a Batman T-Shirt and grey underwear.
45. do you have an i-pod?: Nope.
46. has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?: I’ve been told Rush Limbaugh (sigh) and the Campbell’s Soup kid (double sigh).
47. do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?: Quite a few. Dave the Barbarian kicks @$$.
48. do you have braces?: Nope.
49. are you comfortable with your height?: My height, yes. My width, not so much.
51. when do you know its love?: I haven’t known yet, why start now? By the way, what happened to #50?
52. do you speak any other languages besides English?: I’m trying to learn how to say “I can’t speak (insert language here), do you speak English?” in every language. That way if I ever get knocked out and wake up in French Guiana, I’ll be ready.
53. have you ever been to a tanning salon?: Nope. Imagine me in a Speedo. Case closed.
54. what magazines do you read?: None regularly, really. Most of my info is news websites and TV.
55 Are these surveys stupid?: Nah, just a pleasant time-waster.
56. do you have a hidden talent?: Not particularly. Most of my talents I try and take advantage of.
57. have you gone farther than kissing?: Sigh….
58. have you ever ridden in a limo?: Nope. Limos are right up there with Hummers on the “dumbest forms of transportation” scale.
59. has anyone you were really close with passed away?: Yes.
60. do you watch mtv?: Nope.
61. whats something that really annoys you?: Stupid questions.
62. whats something you really like?: Sharing cool stuff with friends.
63. do you like michael Jackson?: Eh, not really.
64. can you dance?: Kinda/sorta/maybe. I do a mean “Paradise,” though.
65. have you ever surfed?: Sure…surfed the Web! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha! Hooo….I am so sad.
66. do you know how to pump gas?: At a self serve or out of the ground?
67. do you drive?: Of course.
68. whats the latest you have ever stayed up?: A hair or two over 24 hours. Crashed and burned at the other end.
69. have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die?: A few times. The sad part was at the time, it didn’t scare me because it’d mean I wouldn’t be depressed anymore.
70. were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room?: “Rushed,” no, but when I dislocated my knee I went via ambulence.
71. have you ever been dared to do something you didn't want to do?: Yep. Aforementioned Truth or Dare game.
72. did you do it?: Yes.
71. do you actually read these when other people fill them out?: Usually. Though those who make them usually know how to put things in numerical order - 71, 72, 71 again?


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