Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Quick Weekend Review

Sitting at Greg's computer in the Condo, a quick update of the weekend's events before I crash...

-Long days at work, but made it through A-OK.

-Debut of TNA Impact on Spike was good not great, tried to showcase a lot of young talent but didn't give a lot of them a chance to shine. Debut of Team 3D rocked, though. Still amazed at how many folks are dismissing the promotion seemingly because of old WWE/WCW war wounds. Bigger issues, folks. (Note to Rick Scaia over at former stomping grounds OnlineOnslaught: Please get some tapes and learn a little about AJ Styles before you dismiss my current favorite wrestler because of his hoodie.)

-Sunday was a mad dash to find a locale for poker night (unsuccessful) followed by an evening at the movies with the lovely and talented Beth Wander (successful). Movie was "A History of Violence," which was overall good, but unsatisfactorily just kinda stopped, without really having an ending. Just my opinion.

-After an afternoon at work, traveled up to the Condo to watch Raw Homecoming with Greg, Steph and J. Overall, my reaction was eh. Iron Man Match was very good as expected, but the idiotic non-finish took away a lot. Hardy/Edge had no suspense whatsoever, since WWE were morons and gave away who'd be leaving Raw with their advance card results, and the humiliation of Matt Hardy for daring to have his heart broken continues. Austin's segment was ENDLESS, and all four McMahons taking stunners could be seen a mile and a half away, and wasn't worth the build-up. The legends segment was pointless. HHH returns as a face and buries Carlito, then turns heel on Flair just to REALLY bury Carlito. There ya go, Trips, show 'em for getting over. How dare they. Bra and Panties Match was a Bra and Panties Match. Smackdown gets dissed. Hogan/Austin gets set up, a match I have exactly NO interest in - WHEN WILL THE WRESTLING FANBASE WAKE UP AND GET OVER THE ORANGE GOBLIN?!?!?!?! And Cena beats Eric Bischoff and all storylines are forgotten as we close with a show vs. show brawl. It was big and important, sure. But really, other than those two matches, the show on a wrestling level wasn't very good. And the storylines were WWE special 20-minutes-to-say-2-minutes-worth-of-stuff. And beyond all that, the larger question remains: what the hell do you do next week? To say they've shot their wad is to understate it - they so packed this first show that they're gonna be hardpressed to live up to this for the next few months. All in all, I saw nothing on this show to draw me back from my persona non grata status with Whee.

-Crashing at Greg's, home tomorrow. Hope everyone else is doing well!


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