Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Not only, but also...

This woman is sitting outside in the hall today at work. She mutters something to me about how Wallace and Gromit is, "the worst movie I've ever seen. Have you seen it?"

I always wonder about people who kevetch about a movie and then immediately ask if I've seen it. I don't know if they're looking for instant verification or an argument.

Anyway, I state that no, I haven't, but I'm looking forward to it as I'm a big (HUGE) fan of the characters and the animators. Her response is to again get all grumble-y and rant some more, and then add, "It's also very violent. Too violent for kids. All those rabbits acting mean."

Ahem. Rabbits acting mean = too violent.

I just shrugged and waved my hand, trying to preserve my job. If I felt a little more secure in my position and a little more free to express myself, I would have followed that gesture with this monologue:

"Lady, if you think WALLACE AND GROMIT is too violent a film, you really need to get out of the plastic bubble you're living in more often. Expose yourself to some more films and let your worldview broaden a little, then maybe the sight of rabbits acting mean won't be quite the horribly offensive sight you seem to have interpreted it as. You're the kind of moviegoer who doesn't really care about how GOOD a movie is, just about how much BAD stuff there is in it, aren't you? See, it's folks like you who are encouraging filmmakers to take less chances, cater to the lowest common denomenator, and stifle their imagination for the sake of the dimmest bulbs in the pack. Audience members like you are making truly great movies harder and harder to find. Thank you, ma'am, thank you."

But that's just my internal monologue overreacting. Not that I was wrong, mind you.


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