Monday, January 15, 2007

An Open Letter to Vince Russo

Dear Mr. Russo:

Quit now. Before you ruin EVERYTHING I like about TNA.

You have held booking authority over the company for about three months. In that time, there have been three PPVs, two of which have been excellent, and none of which have been tainted by, shall we say, “Russo-esque” booking. I was able to ignore the disjointed mess that Impact has mostly become as of ate, because TNA was still delivering to me what I wanted: good wrestling by great talents. As long as the PPVs did that, I’d be okay.

Last night’s show broke up the pattern. I did not order the show, as I am somewhat low on cash and wanted to MAKE SURE the show would be worth it before I spent my $30 bucks. I am glad I took that step, based upon the reports I read. The booking - and because I know your tendencies, I know this was your responsibility - ruined the whole show. Almost EVERY match had an ending that was either too clever by half or completely non-sensical. From AJ Styles preferring to stay down and lose rather than getting gored by Rhino, to the awful end of the PCS, to the first Team 3D/LAX match EVER ending with Brother Runt coming to the ring DRUNK AND DRESSED AS SANTA CLAUS, to the unbearably obvious Abyss interference in the main event…every finish either tainted or destroyed the match it was associated with. Add in the apparently ENDLESS segment with VKM and Christy Hemme, which got MORE TIME THAN THE MAIN EVENT, and you’re left with the worst possible show for TNA at the worst possible time, right when interest is picking up.

The only match which this didn’t affect, thankfully, was apparently the Joe/Angle match, where the two of them once again tore the house down and did their best to save the show. See? No silly, over-the-top, WAY too complex ending, just two wrestlers who can work and work damn well.

That’s all I want to see, really. WWE hasn’t given me that in almost two years. ROH gives me that a lot, but I have to order shows from them on DVD to get it. For my regular dose of quality stuff, I relied on TNA. AJ, Daniels, Joe, Sabin and more had given me great action for years, without cr*p booking getting in the way. With the addition of Angle, all seemed to be in order for the best period in TNA’s history.

It only took one man to ruin that, Mr. Russo. And that man is you.

Leave now.

-Jeff McGinnis


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