Wednesday, December 20, 2006

And the "Sour Grapes Award" for 2006...

WWE Magazine recently published their year-end issue, and in it they give out "awards" to various wrestling personalities. Among them is the special "Good Riddance" award, which was, of course, given to Kurt Angle. The caption under the picture: "What's the best way to re-invent yourself? Walk out at the peak of your career! Worked wonders for Lex Luger and Randy Savage."

Ahem. Let us respond to this from every angle:

1. Unless Kurt's spin-doctoring in recent months is correct, he didn't "walk out," you guys fired him.

2. Lex Luger left for WCW in 1995, well after his main event push had stalled. At the time he had just come out of the horribly unsuccessful "Allied Powers" tag teaming, and was looking at a big money feud with MABEL on the horizon. Yeah, don't know why he didn't stick around for that one. And to compare Angle to Luger, on ANY level, is a massive insult to Angle.

3. Randy Savage left in 1994, YEARS after his "peak" period had ended. He had already given you guys the prime of his career and he became arguably the single best in-ring main eventer of his era, drawing huge money for the company. He had begun to slow by 1992, and by the time '94 rolled around, he was used almost exclusively as a commentator. When WWF and Savage were unable to come to terms, he left for WCW. The night Savage departed, Vince went on the air and cut an extremely unusual (at the time) out-of-character promo thanking Savage for his years of service. Not exactly "walking out," I'd say.

Now, of course, WWE Magazine is a one-sided shill publication designed to hype and promote WWE products. No problem, it's their own darn publication, after all. But don't you think you'd look a little less bitter and sophomoric if you'd check your facts a bit before you start openly chastising a guy who has given (and, for better or worse, continues to give) wrestling fans more amazing memories than anything your three so-called "world champions" have given us, EVER?

Just a thought.


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