Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Yeah, I'm still fat. And extremely confused.

Let us follow the timeline, shall we?

October 23rd: Word starts to leak out that O.J. Simpson is writing a book in which he "hypothetically" confesses to the killings of his wife and her friend. The word comes from the Enquirer, which makes many skeptical, but still, I find back-up corroboration and post a blog entry about it.

October 24th: Simpson publically denies that he is writing a book. His lawyer says, "If anyone comes out with such a book, I'll go on every talk show and call it c**p." Upon learning this (a couple weeks after the fact), I write a second blog entry apologizing for the first blog entry.

November 15th: Today, the news story hits the AP wire...the Fox channel is announcing that Simpson will be appearing on their network November 27th and 29th, in a two-part interview entitled, "O.J. Simpson: If I Did It, Here's How It Happened." Quoting the story: "The interview will air days before Simpson's new book, 'If I Did It,' goes on sale Nov. 30."

Oh, and the Fox network's own website has footage from the upcoming interview, including Simpson describing how the scene (hypothetically) looked when his wife and her friend were covered in blood.

November 16th: Simpson's lawyer begins to line up about 4,000 bowls of crow he will be eating in the next few days.

Okay, seriously, was there like a disconnect between Simpson and his lawyer on this? Did the lawyer not know about the book and issued a blanket denial, by reflex? Did the lawyer know and denied in order to keep the project under wraps? What the blazes is going on here?

Bottom line, my basic reaction remains the same. Mr. Simpson, kindly just go away. Now.


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