Monday, November 13, 2006

Eddie: One Year Later

It was a year ago today that we lost Eddie Guerrero.

The wrestling community lost one of its all-time great performers, and a man who was a hero and inspiration to many, including me.

Time flies, indeed. It sure doesn’t feel like it’s been a year since that Sunday afternoon when I logged onto only to get hit, hard, in the gut with the news.

The only comparable situation for me would be Seth’s passing earlier in the same year. Seth hit much closer to home, naturally, since it was a far greater personal loss for all of us who knew him.

But Eddie’s departure was just as shocking. It happened so suddenly, so completely unexpectedly. This was a man who not only was in the prime of his life, but had worked so hard to overcome so many hardships, and had come out clean on the other side. He had fought the darkest of his demons, and, it seemed, had triumphed.

In many ways, he had. But those demons would extract their final, terrible toll a year ago today.

In the following year, WWE has instituted a “wellness program” in an effort to keep a closer eye on the health of their talent, trying to prevent any situations like Eddie from ever happening again. They have also shamelessly exploited his memory by constantly using him as a part of storylines, from Randy Orton proclaiming “Eddie is in hell” to Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero’s feud with their relationship to Eddie as the main catalyst. These storytelling choices are a big reason why I don’t watch WWE anymore.

As for me, the experiences of the past year and a half (including the passing of Seth, Eddie, my aunt, and the shocking losses of several other BGSU alumni) have inspired me to try and lead my life in a better way. Not great, not perfect, but better. I do my damnedest not to take my friends for granted anymore. I never, ever miss an opportunity to tell them how much they mean to me. I’m trying to live with as few regrets as I can.

I don’t have to believe in a god to believe that every day is a gift, and that I need to appreciate each and every one of them, for as long as I can. Because we never know when this crazy ride will end, and all that matters is the here and now…and the folks who come with you along the way.

I love each and every one of you. Viva la raza.


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