Sunday, April 17, 2005

The Jeff Song Quiz - New Hints and New Songs!

Well, we're down to nine songs left, and so it's a perfect time for me to throw a monkey into the wrench and switch things up a bit. Going through my music files I realized I had forgotten three pretty big songs to me, and considering how the remaining ones in the quiz seem to be the hardest, I'm dropping three of the existing songs and replacing them with these 3. (For the record, the dropped songs were Finger Eleven - "One Thing," Sweeney Todd - "Finale," and Will Smith - "Time to Chill.") And all the rest of the songs have more hints. 9 are still left, anything is possible!

The Capitol Steps - (Parody which directly inspired my singing gig at the movie theatre this past winter. Jerry Falwell is a $#!+#3@{). Track 12 of "One Bush, Two Bush, Old Bush, New Bush.")

Harry Chapin - (One of his lesser-known ballads. About a little midnight watchman and a rotund waitress. Track 6 of his "Greatest Stories Live." )

NEW! Elton John (New leader for "most obscure song by a well-known artist." End titles of Rocky V.)

Tom Lehrer - (I almost performed this at Theta Monologue Night one year, but opted instead for another song. Looking back, wish I hadn't. The only tango that Lehrer ever wrote.)

NEW! "Les Miserables" Soundtrack (The greatest end-act-er of all time.)

Meat Loaf - (Not one of the big hits from Bat 2. Video has Meat with a necklace of Christmas lights. Track 3.)

NEW! Carly Simon ("Picasso"'s main theme. Also from "Working Girl")

Paul Simon - (My favorite song as a kid. Lyrics make no sense, but then none of the lyrics on "Graceland" make much sense. "You can be my bodyguard, I can be your long lost pal...")

"Weird Al" Yankovic - (I've quoted this song a LOT in the past year, as a summary of how I feel about life right about now. An original from "Bad Hair Day," track 2.)


At 12:38 PM, Blogger ruehllin said...

Les Miz: "Do you hear the people sing."

Elton John: "Measure of a man."

Paul Simon: "You can call me Al." (Featuring Chevy Chase (?!?!) in the video.

Carly Simon: "Let the River run."

The Capitol Steps: "Loonies of the Right."

Meat Loaf: "rock and Roll dreams come through."

At 4:06 PM, Blogger Jeff Mac said...

Yowsa, Linds, five outta six right, only Les Miz is incorrect. This means...(see main page)...


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