Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The Search for Sledge

(First of all, am I the first to note the irony that Blogger is having problems with the Problems page?)

I have learned something today. (Other than the fact that you guys apparently don't care about the song quiz...le sigh...) If you are planning to drive 45 minutes up to somewhere to pick up a DVD set at midnight, you must be prepared for potential disappointment. I drove with my bro all the way up to Media Play in Toledo for their midnight setting-out-of-the-new-stuff. He was there to get both Ocean's 12 and A-Team Season 2. I was there for one reason - Sledge Hammer Season 2. Only one of us would leave with our goals accomplished. Le sigh #2. Apparently they didn't get Sledge in with their shipment. They had the LABEL in their display case, but no product. They told me to come in on Friday and they'd probably have them by then. Arrgh. Sure, I'll be in on Friday. If I don't find it at Best Buy or anyplace else first. So there, nyah.

Meanwhile, I ain't exactly hurting for DVD entertainment...a splurge spree on Saturday (brought on by my first somewhat disposable income in a LONG time) has left me with "Sideways," "Apollo 13"'s Anniversary Edition and the complete series of "The Lone Gunmen" (the sadly short-lived but incredibly funny X-Files spin-off, for the uninitiated). Reviews of them all probably to come...


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