Thursday, September 03, 2009

An Admittedly Imperfect Analogy

Two men. One in a lifeboat, one in the sea.

The man in the sea says, "Help me! Please!"

The man in the lifeboat says, "Why? I had the foresight and ability to procure a lifeboat. You didn't. Why should I save you and cost myself energy, time, and a portion of my supplies? Frankly, your laziness and lack of personal responsibility disgusts me."

"But I'll drown," the man in the sea says.

"As far as I'm concerned, what happens to you is none of my business," the man in the boat says.

He turns and rows away.

That's what the debate really means to me. Are we, as a nation, willing to offer a helping hand to those who need it? I hope so.


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