Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A few random observations and notes...

(posted 8/28/06)

-A big story from the wrestling world...Kurt Angle has been released from WWE. has all the details for those interested. My personal take...I sincerely hope Kurt takes this chance to heal up and get his life together. I love watching you perform, dude. I don't want to watch you if I have to worry that you're gonna get hurt in every match. If your body is to the point where the company would rather release you than use one of the great in-ring talents EVER, that might be a clue. Get well, Kurt.

-But on the flip side, Trish Stratus has just announced her retirement to get married. It is no secret that she is my current reigning celebrity crush, but she backs it up in the ring and has has become an amazing wrestler when a lot of folks in her era have skated by on looks alone. You will be sorely missed, Trish, and may your impending nuptuals be happy ones!

-Boy, the irony...Lindsey and I both post "Snakes on a Plane" quotes simultaniously on our page, and neither of us successfully answers it from the other. (Lindsey didn't know mine, I didn't see hers in time to answer. Arrgh.)

-You know what's kinda annoying? The new MNF clock now that it's on ESPN. It's too big and it's dead center of the bottom of the screen. I'm not even a football fan and I find that really annoying.

-Well, I hope you guys are happy. All of you Project Runway fans have not only successfully gotten me hooked on the show, I find myself listening to Tim Gunn's podcasts a lot while I'm tooling around on the computer. I can't afford another pop culture obsession, dudes! I already have 24, Good Eats, Family Guy and House to worry about!

-Oh, and have you listened to this yet? No? Then do so! Now!

-Now is time for bed. Still need to finish New York entry, maybe tomorrow. More soon...


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