Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Aww...TNA got me a fire for my birthday!

)posted 8/13/06)

TNA Wrestling had a PPV tonight. I didn't order it, as it was the 29th anniversary of the date of my birth and I tend to like celebrating such events with good friends (and I did, having an awesome shindig at Heather's place with her, Mark, Beth and Steph. Thank you so much, guys! Special thanks also to Abby and Loren for taking me out mini-golfing earlier in the day, and my whole family for lunch, too!).

Well, TNA went and had a bit of a calamity without me. As the pyro went off to start the show, a fire started in the catwalks above the ring. During the first match, a whole plume of fire extinguisher smoke came down and filled the arena. described it as "watching wrestling in a fog." The TNA audience, ever good sports, chanted, "You can't see us!"

Well, the building had to be evacuated, so Mike Tenay and Jeremy Borash had to stall for time on camera until the crowd could be allowed back in. Major props to those guys for keeping their cool in a tough circumstance, as well as to Eric Young, who, keeping in line with his character's current paranoia about being fired, ran up to the announcers and stressed that the fire wasn't his fault.

Well, everything got straightened out and the crowd went back in, and it sounded like the show as a whole was pretty darn good from a wrestling standpoint...maybe worth ordering for the sheer spectacle of the problems they had AND the quality of the work alone. Christian turning heel could be seen coming from several time zones away, though.


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