Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A few notes, wrestling and otherwise...

-Congrats to Rey Mysterio for his title win at WrestleMania on Sunday, the lone reason why I regret missing the show. Yep, I conciously skipped WM for the first time in nearly 20 years. I'll probably write an essay here eventually about why, cuz there are a few things I wanna get off my chest.

-On a WWE-related note, I dunno what the heck has happened, but WWE has suspended Randy Orton. The only word we're getting is it's because of "unprofessional conduct," which basically could mean anything at this point. All we know is, the odds on Sunday were that he was next in line for the belt, now, who knows.

-Oh, and for the record, Vince McMahon is nuts. How nuts? This nuts.

Yes, they're actually promoting a tag team match with Shawn Michaels teaming up with God against Vince and Shane McMahon. One wonders if God's willing to do the job anymore than Shawn is.

-And to talk about actual GOOD wrestling for a change, TNA has posted a preview of the single most awesome wrestling DVD ever concieved. But we have to wait until JUNE 6TH. ARRGH.

-Thanks to Heather, just caught up with the rest of the free world and finished "The DaVinci Code." I'll spare you an extensive review (for now, anyway), I'll only say this - when the primary thing I can say about a major novel is, "It reminded me of 'The Goonies'," there's a problem.

-And next on the literary block is "Game of Shadows," the Barry Bonds and steroids opus. I read the excerpts in Sports Illustrated and found them incredibly interesting, and Matt picked up the book this afternoon, so I'll probably be tearing through it tonight. My basic thought about the controversy, by the way, is that I love baseball, I always will, and the game itself will never be harmed by all the broo-ha-ha. But the people involved, the players who used this junk and the officials who turned a blind eye, NEED to be held accountable - for the game's sake and for their own. For more extensive thoughts on the whole scenario, I can just direct you to a commentary from way back in December of '04...

-And keep your eyes peeled on All Audiences in the coming days. I'm working on a few new articles, as well as some new articles from some new writers (hopefully)!

-Oh, and one last thing...HAPPY SESQUICENTENNE-MAIL, STRONG BAD!!!!


At 11:26 PM, Blogger Averyslave said...

I saw my first TNA match tonight. Samoa Joe and Jushin Liger. Good. Short. I saw it on YouTube. They definitely look like they're pulling ECW-size crowds.

At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DOOD! How did I miss this before - Strongbad kicks ass.


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