Saturday, February 05, 2005

Cool stuff, cooler stuff, coolerer stuff, coolest stuff

A few things to regale you all with on this fine Saturday evening...

-The BGSU Rumble went off without a hitch last night, and as always was very fun. Congratulations to Laura Butera, whose creation Michael Jackson won the whole she-bang, earning her both the coveted Royal Rumble trophy and a copy of "Napoleon Dynamite" on DVD (at her request, natch). Thanks to everyone who attended once again, and as always making the Rumble a very fun time for all.

-And in addition to all that, Rumble attendees were the first to learn about...the revival of the Midnight Readings. Our series of dramatic readings was very well received by all who participated, and I've been asked to start them up again pretty much ever since we stopped doing them. Well, here we go again...the tentative date is March 18th, and we've already selected our first piece - the DC graphic novel "Kingdom Come." It's a marvelous piece, and will make for an excellent reading. We already had many of the parts called last night (the priviledge of Rumble attendance, ya should have come after all! :) ), but there's plenty open, so if you're interested in participating, or even just attending (these things are always a blast), just gimme a shout and let me know.

-With spare cash I picked up the Rob Van Dam DVD set that the WWE just recently released (double disc, 16 matches, wicked cool) and the complete second season of Taxi, which, if you didn't know, was when Reverend Jim became a regular ("What does a yellow light mean?" "Slow down." "Okay. What...does...a...yellow...light...mean?").

-But by far the best thing which has happened in the past few days has been having the chance to get to know someone very cool through Friendster. I won't blab her name all over the place yet (not until I get permission to do so, anyway), but she's a tremendous person who I am honored and thrilled to have gotten the chance to chat with, and hope for many more chats in the days to come. Thank you very much, miss, and to paraphrase Casablanca, I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


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