Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Top 10 of the First 100...

In anticipation of the arrival of the Strong Bad DVD set, and to serve as an introduction to some of my friends who may not be as familiar with HomestarRunner.com, here's a list of my 10 favorite SB emails from that first 100, in chronological order. (Okay, I did it for fun, too...)

#22 - sb_e-mail22
Strong Bad offends the entire country of Great Britain. The irony of me seeing this for the first time while hanging out with Heather one day, and that the e-mailer's name is Mark, still makes me chuckle.

#24 - the bird
Strong Bad shows how you can flip people off even with boxing gloves. Origin of "the Double Deuce." Short but sweet.

#42 - action figure
Strong Bad describes his perfect action figure. This makes it 'cuz Cool Action Figure Strong Bad was in the BGSU Rumble last year.

#43 - little questions
A Swedish fan writes in with some little questions. "For Viklas. Hi?" A personal favorite.

#57 - japanese cartoon
What would Strong Bad look like as a Japanese cartoon character? "Then there's my mouth. Really small when closed. Ridiculously huge when it's open." Classic.

#58 - dragon
Strong Bad draws a dragon. Origin of (duh) TROGDOR!!!!

#68 - caper
Strong Bad and The Cheat haven't gotten along much lately. Origin of my favorite SB song, "The Cheat is Not Dead!"

#80 - stunt double
Strong Bad NEEDS no stunt double. Origin of Strong Bad's classic film,"Dangeresque 2: This Time, It's Not Dangeresque 1."

#93 - army
Strong Badia faces the invading forces of the Homestarmy. The loss of Bendetto is one of the funniest things ever.

#94 - video games
What would Strong Bad be like in a video game? Two cool things: first, the parody of text-based adventures is dead-on, and second, you can actually play all of the games!

Lots more classic stuff, natch, but these are the ones I'd show to someone who wanted to know what the hey this was all about. Have fun!


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