Monday, November 01, 2004

As Fair and Balanced as Fox News...

Heather's gonna hate me for posting this link, but it's just too funny and so amazingly mean-spirited, I can't resist...

It seems that the esteemed Michael J. Nelson, head writer and latter-day host of the best damn TV show ever, MST3K, doesn't really care for the New York Yankees. (His bitterness may be compounded by the fact that the Yanks beat his home state's Twins in 4 games in the ALDS.) And so, his latest updates on his webpage are literally nothing but taking wicked pot-shots at the team and rubbing their failure in their face. My favorite parts are the "quotes" from Yankee players, none better than the bit from "Joe Torre": "'Finally, justice was done upon this earth. We lost because we deserved to lose because we are evil. I only hope we never return.'"

Man, Heather, and you thought *I* was hard on the Yanks.


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