Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Perfect Moment of Self-Awareness

Hey! I just got my replacement discs in the mail from Warner Home Video! I now have the special edition of "Superman III" that was supposed to come with the box set but didn't, as well as the formerly-misprinted "Superman I" disc! Once I return the new discs to the case, the the set will finally be complete! Huzzah!

Hey! That last paragraph sure makes me sound like the biggest nerd in all human history! Can you guess the chances that I'll get laid at any point in the next 12 months? Pretty minimal!

(Okay, no more self-deprecation, I promise. The thought of writing this entry just made me giggle, so I went for it. Honest, I'm trying to be more self-confident. It was a New Year's resolution. I've nearly made it a month, dammit! I feel like I have to take a shot at myself now and again. I'm like an addict in recovery. This was a relapse. Forgive me. Won't happen again.)


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