Friday, October 22, 2004

Paris Hilton...REVEALED!!!

Think that headline will get me a few more hits from the Blogger database? :)

Anyway, the lovely and talented Heather Waterfield was gracious enough to send along a few explanations of Paris's notoriety...

-She's rich
-Her boyfriend "accidentally" posted a tape of them having sex on the Net
-She dated a Backstreet Boy

Hmm. Well, that certainly explains a lot. Um, yeah. Our nation REALLY needs to get out more.

The public's continued fascination with her still puzzles me - if she's not doing anything new to warrant current interest, save for starring in a reality show where she continuously comes off like a snobby b*tch, why are people still interested in her? Best I can tell, she does nothing, displays no discernible talent, and has become an icon. If that's all that's required, dang, my ascent to stardom should be a cinch! Look out world, the Mac Attack is Back! Except I was never there before. Um, well...yeah.

Well, this post fizzled out pretty quick...


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